Friday, November 27, 2009

Crossing The Street- New Interview Tool

How many times have you wondered about the manner in which you cross the street? After reading this article written by Guy Kawasaki you surely will.

The article mentions that you can select candidates for a job, merely by watching them cross a busy street. There are five categories based on this logic.

As a HR professional, this is quite insightful. Recruiters spend a lot of time and resources to ensure that they get the 'right fit' for the position open. There are psychometric tools that are used, aptitude tests are given, body language is analysed... Any new tool in the market is up for grabs, just to find the right / best candidate. But more often than not, the recruiter has to take the blame for a non-performer when the buck starts getting passed. Wondering how many recruiters will adopt this new method also.

At least I am going to be a Wader now, if not already. You never know who is watching!


Ramesh said...

Brilliant. thanks for the article zoobie. Absolutely right - you can tell a person from small things.

Zoobie Sidhu said...

@Ramesh- Thanks Ramesh. We tend to ignore the small things in life. Something like the 80:20 principle

Unknown said...

really exceptional,at times there are plethora of things which can really come handy to judge a person,..& i think if one has observational capabilities..he can never find him/herself in wrong company..i tl u evn eyebrows movements tl a lot..i read a few of ur blogs(Christmas one) & i really tl u,u r doing a phenomenal job 4 ur organisation..& thnks for writing this one